Aus der Türkei kam die Nachricht, dass mein Sohn mit Freundin gut gelandet sind! Darüber freute ich mich, hatte ja schon immer wieder an die beiden denken müssen. Es war sein erster Flug...ich fliege ja sehr gerne...
Hier mal einige Reaktionen auf meine Fotos:
I just wanted to say that you have some of the best flower shots I've ever seen. So vibrant and intense. I would comment, but I can't choose just one. Phenomenal!
Wunderschöne Arbeit, liebe lotusfee. Habe selten so schöne
Blüten-, Blumen- und Pflanzenaufnahmen gesehen.
Danke für Deinen Freitagsgruss und - wunsch.
Werde Dir mal ein ganzes Feld Mohnblumen widmen. :)))
"Lotusfee (Sulamay) is always so happy, kind and ever ready with encouraging, supportive comments. She has a fantastic artistic eye and incredible ability to compose gorgeous photos. I'm always looking for her latest creation and am never disappointed in being inspired. Thank you for bringing not only your talent, but beautiful spirit to the wonderful world of Flickr. ;>)"
"Some of the prettiest flowers and macros on Flickr! The colors are gorgeous and the textures so dimensional! I love the perspective alot! Always the first one to notice my pics and the comments are always so interesting. Wish there were more people out there like lotusfee."
"It is always a pleasure to look at the photos from Lotusfee. She has a a very good eye and knows how to make a photo interesting."